Take Real Learning Above and Beyond - Literally!

Amateur radio is an amazing hobby and activity, allowing kids to use the skills and comfort they  already have with their devices. 

Your students can combine excitement, learning, passion and creativity into a project literally opening a world of knowledge right at their fingertips.

Amateur radio is no longer an “old guy” hobby, but is a rapidly growing activity, especially among young people. Transcending school-stuff, ham radio (as it is often called) is also an excellent family project.

Why is Amateur Radio a Good Project?

I earned my ham license in 9th grade and from personal experience and observing students I have taught, I know the positive results of doing amateur radio. Our goal at Homeschool Lifetime Learning is to provide projects which go beyond knowledge but also include the following benefits.
  • You learn the reward of accomplishing a challenging task
  • Creativity is enhanced as unexpected changes occur
  • Patience and persistance combine to achieve worthwhile goals
  • The reward of serving others during emergencies is profound

Let’s look at some official “Education Stuff

  • Cross-curricular activities are easily done
  • Amateur radio is a high level STEM compliant project
  • Strong academics are in integral part of the process
  • Amateur radio is above the norm on college or employment resumes
  • This project can count as a school elective course

Get started now on the Amateur Radio project 

and open an exciting world of learning. Click the button below to get stated.

How is This Project Presented?

Currently the Amateur Radio project is given as a downloadable PDF. The PDF is clickable and guides the student step-by-step through the entire process of getting started in ham radio. As this site grows the project steps will be online and available for all common devices. Amateur radio is a dynamic hobby, allowing you to begin with enjoyment but with opportunity to grow in knowledge and excitement throughout your lifetime. 

see the big picture
learn the subject
build your station

Other Real Benefits

Becoming a ham radio operator has significant benefits beyond just the enjoyment of contacting other hams. Here are just a few of the ways in which this hobby can have practical and lifelong benefits.

  • You can become part of local and regional Emergency Preparedness groups
  • Ham radio can be used to develop unique and impressive science fair projects
  • This project can be used for elective credit in your learning system
  • Students can learn positive interaction and presentation skills with others by joining a local Amateur Radio club
  • The electronic and wave portions of study for the exam can count as unit credit in physical science or physics
  • Students will naturally observe the interaction of science, math and government with normal living experiences

How Much Does this Project Cost?

Our mission is to benefit the homeschool community and the learning culture at-large in a way that excludes nobody. In a practical sense, it costs money to operate and improve this site. This site is part of our initial website “Education for Excellence” which is the jumping off place for homeschoolers, Christian schools and public school education.

Finally, in total honesty, we would like to supplement our normal income. Therefore…

Use what you want – donate what is fair.

Click the button below to start the journey through an enjoyable and rewarding experience.