Real Learning Comes From Really DOING

Real Learning

Our Real Learning Projects bring three important concepts to the lifetime of learning awaiting you.

Solid Academics combine with Enjoyable Present to produce Lifetime Potential

Each project can produce Creativity, Analytic Thinking and Focused Passion

Family or Group Participation exists in each project

Experience a Near-Space Balloon Launch & Recovery

Our last balloon reached an altitude of 104,000 feet, experienced a temperature of minus 61 degrees Fahrenheit, hit a maximum speed of 81 miles per hour and traveled almost 75 miles from the launch site.

We tracked the balloon using amateur radio APRS and showed the location on Google Maps. The onboard computer gathered data such as latitude, longitude, speed, temperature, altitude and relative humidity.

Great Physics! Great fun!

This project includes the relevant physics of the entire balloon flight, step-by-step instructions of how to acquire parts, construct, launch, track and recover the balloon payload.

This is an ideal family project or done by a homeschool cohort or informal group of homeschool families.

Launch day for the HAB

Many of the following projects provide me a commision when your purchase them. This does not make your price increase.

Let's Explore the Fine Arts

The fine arts can be broadly defined as any esthetic expression of human talent producing emotions in other people through things you have created. Such forms of esthetic expression could include writing an ebook or taking a course in photography

Click on the image of the project  or the text beneath to explore projects that are of interest to you.


It may surprise you to know that architecture and graphic arts fit the definition of the fine arts. And we know that all forms of dance, from ballet to line dancing are considered to be in the realm of fine arts. In today’s culture it is possible to learn just about anything online. We can find experts who have elected to share their skills over the Internet because it enables them to reach more people. They can sell their services for very inexpensive fees because their volume really increases. Not only that, but you can find programs teaching a fine art with expertly developed programs in areas you are not well-versed. These projects can be enjoyed for a lifetime and may even lead to a career. Click on any image to find a project you would like to try.

And Don't Forget the Practical Arts!

A list of projects you should consider wouldn’t be complete without fine international cooking or artistic needlepoint. 

Click on the images to find information about each one. 

Learning Lifetime Sports

fly fishing
Learn fly fishing
girl bowling
Enjoy Bowling with Friends and Family
boy playing tennis
Get in Shape and have fun withTennis

Why Reality Projects Work Best & How to Use Them

Reality Projects are like Project Based Learning on steroids. Each project takes the student a REAL experience. These activities bring project based learnin to life by doing something having real-life application and benefit.

We could emphasize how the academic and active components of Realisty Projects align with state and national education standards, but it’s more important to illustrate the following lifetime learning standards.

  • creativity and critical thinking skills are taught
  • each project can involve the entire family
  • lifetime learning and enjoyment exists
  • a genuine sense of accomplishment occurs
  • academic components are logically integrated

Choose a Reality Learning project today and bring lifetime learning into a productive and relevant activity which can provide continuing benefit and enjoyment.

How to Use Reality Projects

First of all be sure you choose a project your child is genuinely interested in. Better yet, let your child do the choosing. Next there are several things that should happen in each project.

  • Safety first
  • Notebooking
  • Photo documentation
  • Health and comfort